Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Test Driven Development

I recently started looking into Test Driven Development, and I am interested in how effective it is.  It seems that Katas are the main practice for this.  Here are the top 3 practice points for TDD:

Roman Numeral conversion
Bowling Game Score

To me it seems that this type of practice is a good way to increase the strength of your coding, but not code design. Although, it does limit the chances of over architecture of an application.  I will continue to get up to speed on TDD and try to find what limitations it has over traditional functional programming.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Kendo UI Script Bundling Performance Issues

If you notice performance issues with the Kendo UI script bundles make sure you place your scripts at the beginning of the <body> tag before all of your body markup.


Script bundles

body code...

Thursday, January 31, 2013

IE Kendo UI error: Object does not support the property or method

[object Object] Has No Method kendoGrid

You may also see it as...
  • $("#grid").kendoGrid is not a function (FireFox)
  • Object doesn't support the property of method "kendoGrid" (IE 9+)
  • Object doesn't support this property or method (IE 8-)
This can occur for a variety of reasons:
  1. You have not included Kendo UI at all
  2. You are referencing the wrong path to Kendo in your page
  3. You include jQuery both before and after Kendo UI which wipes out Kendo

If you have followed all of the above and are using Visual Studio 2012, read below:

I had an issue where I was debugging and IE9 would give me the above error. After hours of troubleshooting, the answer was simple.  Clear Browser cache, Close all browsers, Stop all services, Close all visual studio instances, reboot Visual Studio.   Problem solved.  Very rare instance, but it happened to me.